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联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

首席收藏网 > 数据中心 > Stack's Bowers and Ponterio > SBP2021年4月香港#B-Pinnacle集藏

Lot:50026 日本庆长大判金。(明曆判)JAPAN. Meireki Oban (10 Ryo), ND Keicho Era (ca. 1658-95). PCGS MS-61 Gold Shield.

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USD 20000 - 30000


2021-04-06 10:00:00

2021-04-06 12:00:00

USD 84000



日本庆长大判金。(明曆判)JAPAN. Meireki Oban (10 Ryo), ND Keicho Era (ca. 1658-95). PCGS MS-61 Gold Shield.重量:164.79 克。尺寸:155.19 x 97.54 毫米。防伪边。此版中品相出类拔萃的一枚,经手痕迹轻微,花押保存完好,仅于高点稍有褪色。横纹平均分佈成 7 列中,桐纹铸力稍有不均,反面的铸记深邃易辨,反面右下近边缘附近有一附加标记。精美绝伦的一枚,诱人的浅金色泽透现,数处色调渐变丰富,华美多彩,定必成为集藏的焦点。花押的风格融合了该时代(庆长)和随后的时代(元禄)早期大判金的特色,粗笔和细笔完美相配。庆长大判金(明暦判) 重量:164.79グラム/サイズ:155.19 x 97.54mm軽い取り扱い痕はあるものの墨书きは良好。约7列等间隔のゴザ目で、桐极印が不均一。座人印はの平坦度はさまざまですがしっかり打たれており、里侧の右下には新しく追加したマークが见受けられます。全体的に魅力的な淡い金色を表示し、わずかに豊かな原色も観察できる心地よい外観は素晴らしいの一言。花押のスタイルは、この时代(庆长)と次の时代(元禄)の特徴を示しており、太い线と细い线が融合された书き味が特徴的です。Fr-3a; JNDA-09-6 (2B); cf. Bank of Japan-Vol. 2 # 14; JV-Unlisted; Hartill-8.7. Weight: 164.79 gms. 155.19 x 97.54 mm. Security edge. A rather handsome and wholesome example of the type that exhibits light signs of handling commensurate with its age and a nicely preserved ink signature with fading primarily contained to the highest points. The hammer marks are fairly evenly spaced in about seven columns with the Kiri stamps being unevenly applied; all with varying degrees of flatness, while the control marks are bold and easily readable with an additional mark on the reverse in the lower right near the edge. This lovely lightly toned survivor offers much originality with a pleasing appearance displaying attractive pale golden color with areas of slightly richer patination. Certain to be a cherished addition to the next collection it enters. The style of the signature exhibits characteristics of the early Obans from this era (Keicho) as well as the following era (Genroku) offering an interesting amalgamation of thick and thin strokes. From the Pinnacle Collection.