JAPAN. Hishi Oban (10 Ryo), ND Tensho Era (ca. 1588). PCGS MS-60 Gold Shield.
重量:165.83 克;尺寸:145.63 x 85.17 毫米。光边。备受推崇的一枚,日本首次打铸的大判金。存世量极少,仅约六枚,大多更已永久保存在博物馆中。此枚的特徵在其菱形桐纹,且在铸造过程中,花押下添加了金质填充物,使其达到规定重量。正面花押大部分完好无损,仅数处有褪色现象,背面的墨书苍劲,近乎完整。大判上的横纹间不规则地从左向右伸展。正面的三枚桐纹(一枚在顶部,二枚在底部)深邃清晰。由于铸造的过程较原始,反面有坯饼分层的现象,导致正面出现一" Y"形的尖齿坯饼裂纹,为此枚增添特色及原始性。动人的浅金色调与斑驳的日落色光泽相辅相成,美不胜收。正面左下方有数个手写的纤细字符,但已与大判融合为一,毫不碍眼。在 JNDA 的图版原品及 Hess-Divo 在 2015 年出售的同款拍品中亦可观察到相同特徵,极可能是由正式官方添加,耐人寻味。绝大多数的钱币学者均认为天正菱大判存世极少,常列待收藏项目的前茅。因为鲜少面世,每每登场均会在钱币界引起轰动,此枚极具标志性,想必会引来高端收藏家的不懈追求。天正菱大判金 重量:165.83グラム/サイズ:145.63 x 85.17mm
Fr-1a; JNDA-09-1 (1); Bank of Japan-Vol. 1 # 569; JV-A1; Hartill-8.1. Weight: 165.83 gms. Dimensions: 145.63 x 85.17 mm. Plain edge. This highly regarded and revered type represents the first Oban of Japan with very few -- about six -- surviving examples, most of which are permanently impounded in institutions. An interesting aspect that sets this type apart from all other Oban issues is the diamond shaped Kiri stamps on the obverse, and as part of the manufacturing process, the addition of a large gold plug that was inserted prior to the application of the ink signature to bring it up to the prescribed weight. The obverse signature, though mostly intact, does exhibit fading in several areas, while the reverse inscription is bold and virtually complete.
The hammer marks appear to be randomly applied, slowly working from one end to the other. The three Kiri stamps on the obverse, one at the top and two at the bottom, are deeply applied with good definition. Due the crude nature of manufacture, a "Y" shaped planchet crack has formed on the obverse and is the result of a lamination on the reverse; both of which add character to this incredible early Japanese gold issue. Lovely pale golden tone complemented by mottled sunset hued patina adds to its pleasing appearance and desirability. On the bottom left portion of the obverse, several thin hand-inscribed characters are noted, yet they blend into the coins fabric, and are of no visual harm. While their appearance seems unusual, we can confirm two others of this type (the JNDA plate and the example sold by Hess-Divo in 2015) that also have additions in this location, suggesting the reason behind it might be more official than it appears at first glance. This EXTREMELY RARE type is considered by most numismatists as virtually uncollectible as so few survivors are known to exist. It is offered so infrequently that when available, they invariably capture the attention of advanced collectors and institutions that desire custodianship of an iconic cultural artifact.
From the Pinnacle Collection.