民國五十二年台灣中央鑄幣廠開鑄三十週年紀念帆船三鳥銅章。光泽诱人,灵感取自三世纪前发行的三鸟版。完美无瑕的一枚,评分诱人,适合一直以来耐心追求品相的挑剔收藏家。(t) CHINA. 30th Anniversary of the Taiwan Mint Brass Medal, Year 52 (1963). PCGS MS-63.L&M-1004; KMX-1170. A flashy and enticing gilded medal that invokes the famous "birds over junk" variety of the Sun Yat-sen Dollars from three decades prior. Imperfections are difficult to spot, and with ample eye appeal for the grade, it is the perfect reward for discriminating collectors who have patiently yearned for quality.