1896-1911年雙龍第二類型三級勛章。重81.82 克。 99 mm X 91 mm。整颗星由八个银质镀金尖角组成,每个尖角上均饰有放射状直綫。星形中心有一圆盘,中文於右,满文於左,饰以银龙和浅蓝色宝石,红色宝石於上。大部分的珐瑯均完好无缺,开放区的色泽呈深蓝色。银星展现动人的虹彩包浆,璀璨绚丽。反面斑驳的窑藏包浆,淡淡的五彩优美动人。赏心悦目的一枚,定获得专家的关注。安德烈-W-布鲁斯特少将的奖章曾於一不知名的拍卖中出售,引述当时的描述指"中国双龙勋章非常罕见,乃 1911-12 年最后一种的佩戴风格,佩戴於颈部,大型银饼上有星形设计,银龙於侧,中央蓝宝石,顶部中央有一颗较小的红宝石,配以金色条纹蓝色授带,后附佩戴扣"。虽然授带已不复在,整体状态依然良好。服役四十年的安德烈-W-布鲁斯特少将无疑是一名专注事业的军人。在军队服役期间,他非常积极地在不同地区服役,并获得了许多荣誉、奖项和表彰。令人感兴趣的奖项包括陆军杰出服务奖章、中国战役奖章、荣誉勋章和龙之军令等。义和团运动期间,因表现英勇而获得荣誉勋章。 "美国陆军军事歷史中心"的引文指出:"美利坚合眾国总统以国会的名义,很高兴向美国陆军上尉(步兵)安德烈-W-布鲁斯特颁发荣誉勋章, 1900 年 7 月 13 日,在中国天津与第 9 步兵团一起服役时,布鲁斯特上尉在抱火中救出了两名溺水的手下。"他又在中国担任了五年的美国军官,继续為国家服务,最终被提拔至少将,并於 1925 年 12 月 9 日退休。CHINA. Order of the Double Dragon. Type II Third Class, Third Grade, ND (ca. 1896-1911). CHOICE VERY FINE.Barac-49; Li-pg. 45. Weight: 81.82 gms. 99 mm X 91 mm. The Star is composed of an 8 pointed multi-rayed silver star plaque surmounted by an ornate central medallion embellished with silver dragons, Chinese inscription right, Manchu inscription left with light blue enamel in the fields and a blue stone in the center and red stone at the top. Most of the enamel appears to be intact, though the exposed areas have richened in color to a darker blue. The silver star is beautifully toned displaying a lovely rainbow coloration that radiates from the central medallion. While the reverse exhibits old mottled cabinet patina with a slight iridescent sheen. An attractive example of the type that is sure to catch the attention of many collectors of this area.According to a cutout lot description from an unknow auction where Major General Andre W. Brewsters awards were being sold as one lot in-part states "Chinese Order of the Double Dragon, being the rare last style badge as worn from 1911-12, worn at the neck, large planchet of silver having starburst configuration set with center sapphire stone and silver side dragons with a smaller ruby stone at top center of medallion, complete with gold striped blue neck ribbon with rear attachment wearing catch". Though the ribbon is no longer present, the condition is still quite nice. </em></em>Serving four decades Major General Andre W. Brewster certainly was a career man. During his time in the military he was quite active serving in many different theaters and receiving many honors, awards and commendations. Awards of particular interest are the Army Distinguished Service Medal, China Campaign Medal, Medal of Honor and the Military Order of the Dragon among many others. He received his Medal of Honor for gallantry while on tour in China during the Boxer Rebellion. The citation from "Untied States Army Center of Military History" states "The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to Captain (Infantry) Andre Walker Brewster, United States Army, for gallantry in action on 13 July 1900, while serving with the 9th Infantry at Tientsin, China. While under fire Captain Brewster rescued two of his men from drowning." He remained in China for an additional five years as the U.S. Military Attaché. He continued to service his country eventually be promoted to Major General and ultimately retire on 9 December 1925.</em>Ex: Major General Andre W. Brewster, U.S. Army Co. B, 9th Infantry.