民國十三年國民黨支部開幕紀念銀章。直径 23 毫米。正面国民党党旗及中华民国国旗交叉,铭文环绕。反面九行铭文。光边。铸打佳,经手极少,顶部有孔,特此说明。1924 年中华革命党重组為国民党纪念,1924 年的国民党重组為中国军阀主义画下句号。国民党寻求苏联协助,重新一统中国,并与中国共產党结盟,促成第一次国共合作。在中国统一之前,蒋介石将共產党逐除,导致内战爆发,直至 1949 年共產党取得胜利。期间 1936 - 1945 年曾因抵抗日侵而短暂和解。</em>(t) CHINA. Reorganization of the Kuomintang Silver Medal, 1924. PCGS Genuine--Holed, AU Details.Diameter: 23mm. Obverse: Flag of Kuomintang and flag of the Republic of China crossed in saltire; legend around; Reverse: Inscription in nine lines. Edge: Plain. Nicely struck, this silver medal displays little evidence of handling, though a hole at the top accounts for the details designation.This medal commemorates the reorganization of the Kuomintang in 1924, from the Chinese Revolutionary Party. Among other consequences, the 1924 reorganization of the Kuomintang strove to end warlordism in China. To this end, the Kuomintang sought aid from the Soviet Union to reunify China, and allied themselves with the Chinese Communist Party in the First United Front. Before China could be reunified, Chiang Kai-shek purged Communists from the United Front, leading to the outbreak of the Chinese Civil War, which would continue until 1949, with a brief hiatus from 1936-1945 to fight the invading Japanese forces.</em>