民國二十九年中央造幣廠桂林分廠二週年紀念章。建國必成,抗戰必勝。桂林分厂庆祝开办 2 週年纪念。正面為蒋介石正面半身像,回纹外环。反面回纹外环内有旭日。颇珍罕的版别,浓郁的橄欖棕色包浆,底板光泽璀璨。(t) CHINA. Kweilin Mint Copper Medal, Year 29 (1940). PCGS MS-61 Brown.KMX-825; CCC-725. Struck to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the founding of the Kweilin Mint. Obverse: Facing bust of Chiang Kai-shek; all within maeander border pattern; Reverse: Radiant sun within maeander border pattern. Quite SCARCE and not often encountered, this medallic issue sports a rich olive-brown color with a good deal of glistening brilliance in the fields.