1900年德國參與義和團銀章。正面為威廉二世身穿制服的半身像。反面為中国及黄海地图,外环有八星。罕见版别,光泽清浅,包浆细緻,经手痕跡极少。与义和团运动相关,设计趣味十足,备受追捧。CHINA. Wilhelm II/Boxer Rebellion Silver Medal, 1900. PCGS MS-62.cf. Marienburg-7170 (39mm). Diameter: 34.5mm. On Germanys entry into war in China in the form of the Boxer Rebellion. Obverse: Bust right, in military attire; Reverse: Map of China and the Yellow Sea. A lovely example of the popular and RARE type, displaying a light luster and delicate toning and limited evidence of handling. A medal that is constantly demanded, for its interesting design and connection to the Boxer Rebellion.