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联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

首席收藏网 > 数据中心 > Stack's Bowers and Ponterio > SBP2022年10月香港#F-古钱 机制币中央/地方(上)

Lot:52419 1900年 阿尔弗雷德·格拉夫·冯·瓦尔德西/中国之旅银章。CHINA. Alfred Graf von Waldersee/Journey to China Silver Medal, 1900.

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USD 800 - 1200

SBP2022年10月香港#F-古钱 机制币中央/地方(上)

2022-10-06 10:00:00

2022-10-06 18:00:00

USD 3600



1900年 阿爾弗雷德·格拉夫·馮·瓦爾德西/中國之旅銀章。直径34mm。出自O. Oertel之手。正面:正装半身像朝右;反面:萨克森号驶向左方。哑面银章,币面质感老旧,无显眼瑕疵、经手痕跡或包浆。专研义和团时期钱币学者不可错失的一枚,更广泛地说,此枚可為任何中国银章藏匣润色添光。阿尔弗雷德-冯-瓦德西於1832年在德国波茨坦出生,1904年在汉诺威逝世。1881年,他出任普鲁士后勤将军,1888晋升為步兵上将和德国总参谋部长,及后更位升陆军上将。义和团起义期间,他接最高指令,将欧洲联合舰队送往北京,击倒义和团以平定北京外交风波。然而,瓦德西在1900年9月才踏足北京,尔时北京城已被欧洲联合部队佔领,他在此次任务中亦无大功用。</em>CHINA. Alfred Graf von Waldersee/Journey to China Silver Medal, 1900. PCGS SPECIMEN-64.Marienburg-7792. Diameter: 34mm. By O. Oertel. Obverse: Uniformed bust facing slightly right; Reverse: Sachsen</em> steamship sailing left. A wonderful matte silver medal with antiqued surfaces free of noticeable marks, handling, or tone. Perfect for numismatists who specialize in the Boxer Rebellion, and, more broadly, a worthy addition to any fine cabinet of Chinese-related medals.Field Marshal Alfred Graf von Waldersee was born in Potsdam in 1832 and died in Hanover in 1904. He became a Prussian Quartermaster General in 1881, was promoted to General of the Infantry and Chief of the General Staff in 1888, and later became Field Marshal. He was given supreme command of the European intervention troops sent to put down the Boxer Rebellion and liberate the Beijing diplomatic litigations. However, Waldersee only reached Beijing in September 1900, when the city had already been captured, so his role in the operation was limited.</em>

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