1900年馮瓦爾德西伯爵義和團銀章。正面為阿尔弗雷德-冯-瓦德西半身像,脸容稍向右。反面蒸汽船科堡-萨克森蒸汽船左船首。精选品相,光泽柔美,币面覆盖精美包浆。具中国歷史意义,与义和团运动息息相关,富有趣味。CHINA. Count von Waldersee Boxer Rebellion Silver Medal, 1900. PCGS SPECIMEN-63.Marienburg-7792. Obverse: Bust of Field Marshal Count von Waldersee facing slightly right; Reverse: Steamboat Coburg-Sachsen steaming with bow left. A Choice example that provides soft luster and delicate toning that coats the surfaces. A tremendous piece for those interested in pieces significant to Chinese history, given this pieces immediate relationship to the Boxer Rebellion.