一九三四年川陜省蘇維埃政府伍佰文。品相稀罕,浓郁的巧克力棕色包浆,细节整体锐利。有些重打痕跡,致见空缺部分,别具个性。表面无瑕,此版中罕见。(t) CHINA. Szechuan-Shensi Soviet. 500 Cash, 1934. PCGS AU-50.CL-SWA.16; KM-Y-512.1. Approaching condition seldom seen, the present Soviet issue delivers a rich chocolate brown color along with sharp details throughout. Some interesting strike doubling and voiding is noted, adding to the appeal of the piece. An example that is pleasantly problem free, a RARITY for the type.