一九三二年中華蘇維埃共和國一分。苏维埃版中较少见的版别,如此评分更是少有。肉眼不见经手痕跡,细节仍丰富。原红光犹存,光泽粼粼,於此版中罕见。铸打稍弱,或是此拍品的唯一遗憾之处。值得中国铜币或苏维埃币专家关注的一枚。(t) CHINA. Consolidated Soviet Republic (Kiangsi). Cent, ND (1932). Shuikin Mint. PCGS AU-58.CL-SWA.01; KM-Y-506. A more uncommon type from amongst the Soviet issues, especially at this elevated grade level. The present specimen yields virtually no evidence of handling and robust remaining details. Some brilliance and original mint red remains, a true RARITY for the type. As is often the case, this example does display a slightly weak strike, though this is perhaps the only fault of consequence on this remarkable copper. A piece deserving of attention from all those specialists in Chinese Coppers or Soviet coinage.