USD 1000 - 1500
2021-10-01 09:00:00
2021-10-01 18:00:00
新疆省造宣统元宝红钱十文铜币。 品相及铸工远超同类币,经手痕迹几不可见。深棕色币面,钴蓝色隐现,光芒闪烁。可见典型坯饼瑕疵,但不碍眼。2018 年 4 月香港拍卖的一枚类似拍品获评 PCGS AU-58(拍品编号 40228)以 3,120 美元成交。
CHINA. Sinkiang. 10 Cash, ND (1909). PCGS AU-58. CL-XJ.06; KM-Y-2.1. Far more attractive and better struck than most examples of the type, this wholesome, barely handled specimen features deep brown surfaces with some hints of cobalt and luster shimmering throughout. For completeness, a few typical planchet flaws are noted but not at all distracting. Compare to the Bowers/White piece--<em>also a PCGS AU-58</em>--that realized a total of $3,120 in our April 2018 Hong Kong auction (lot 40228). From the Hobart Collection.