USD 2500 - 3500
2021-10-01 09:00:00
2021-10-01 18:00:00
民国卅八年新疆省造币厂铸壹圆银币。 壹圆实心,尖足1,短衬线,"1949"的"1"上直轮廓线;一九四九,大年。铸打深邃,图文完整,亮丽币面,一丝包浆。仔细检视可见老旧清洗痕迹,现已重新包浆。即便有瑕,仍是赏心悦目之作,图文间有些许积土,间有透现浅色光泽。 (t)
CHINA. Sinkiang. Dollar, 1949. PCGS Genuine--Cleaned, AU Details. L&M-843; K-1275; KM-Y-46.5; WS-1328. "One yuan" filled in; pointed-base "1" with shorter pointed serif; straight serif on the outlined "1" of "1949"; Dated in Chinese "1-9-4-9"; large "Nian". This boldly struck example displays well-formed design elements with bright surfaces and hint of tone. Close inspection reveals evidence of being cleaning with slightly granular surfaces. Despite its shortcoming a presentable example of the type with minor earthen deposits amongst the devices and light patination amongst the devices.