USD 2000 - 3000
2021-10-01 09:00:00
2021-10-01 18:00:00
民国卅八年新疆省造币厂铸壹圆银币。 实心壹圆、方足1、长衬线、三十八年。有些碰痕及底板有留痕,但存世款甚佳,通体枪灰橄榄色包浆。 (t)
CHINA. Sinkiang. Dollar, 1949. PCGS EF-40. L&M-841; K-1275; KM-Y-46 (for type); WS-1324. "One yuan" filled in; square-base "1" with long serif; year 38. Some scattered scuffs and marks are observed in the fields, but this wholesome specimen nevertheless stands as a great survivor and sports a gunmetal gray-olive tone throughout.