USD 4000 - 6000
2021-10-01 09:00:00
2021-10-01 18:00:00
民国卅八年新疆省造币厂铸壹圆银币。 空心圆,方足"1"。经清洗,有些许髮丝痕,但光泽充盈,铸打锐利,边缘一抹包浆楚楚动人。
CHINA. Sinkiang. Dollar, 1949. PCGS Genuine--Cleaned, Unc Details. L&M-840; K-1276; KM-Y-46 (for type); WS-1325. Variety with "yuan" in outline and square-base "1". Some hairlines are observed from the noted cleaning, but this handsome example nevertheless offers tremendous brilliance and a sharp strike, along with an alluring hint of toning near the peripheries. From the Hobart Collection.