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联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

首席收藏网 > 数据中心 > SPINK > SPINK2023年1月#A/B-中国币钞/布威纳集藏

Lot:1144 清朝三藩之乱昭武通宝一组11枚,包括小平9枚,一分2枚,一分中乾评真品,其餘F至EF,吴三桂是中国歷史上臭名昭著的明朝将军,他向清军打开了长城中的重要堡垒山海关,加速明朝的灭亡。清廷册封吴三桂為平西王

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HKD 2800 - 5000


2023-01-07 10:00:00

2023-01-07 19:00:00

HKD 3840



清朝三藩之乱昭武通宝一组11枚,包括小平9枚,一分2枚,一分中乾评真品,其餘F至EF,吴三桂是中国歷史上臭名昭著的明朝将军,他向清军打开了长城中的重要堡垒山海关,加速明朝的灭亡。清廷册封吴三桂為平西王,并在云南拥有自己的封地。但三藩耗财极深,以及清政府对藩王的不信任,致使康熙帝决定结束这些半自治地区,并允许三藩在满洲重新定居。三藩為保全私利决定起义,开始了长达八年的内战。这场动乱最初藩军佔上风,但在 1676 年开始军力不继。吴三桂自立為昭武帝,国号周,其后於1678年去世,由孙儿吴世璠继任,他继续斗争,直到1681年吴周的军队被打败,吴世璠自杀,人头被送往北京,吴三桂的尸体被肢解,运往中国各地。China: Qing Dynasty - Revolt of the Three Feudatories, Zhao Wu Tong Bao, group of 11 coins consisting of: 1 cash: different varieties such as seal script (1); normal script, rev: Gong (3); normal script, plain reverse (1) and normal script, Manchu on reverse (4), 1 fen, seal script (2), weighing 9.0g and 9.5g, the two 1 fen coins graded Zhong Qian Genuine, the rest fine to extremely fine. Wu San Gui, ever infamous in Chinese history as the Ming general who opened Shan Hai Guan, a key fortress in the Great Wall, to Qing forces and greatly eased their conquest of the Ming Empire. He was rewarded with the title Ping Xi Wang (King Who Pacifies the West) and a fief of his own in Yunnan. The heavy financial burden of this post and two others similar, as well as the intrinsic distrust of the Qing Government, led to the decision by Emperor Kangxi to end these semi-autonomous regions and to allow the Three Feudatories resettle in Manchuria. Driven by self interesat and preservation the Three Feudatories revolted and began an eight year long civil war. The campaign intially went well for the rebels but began to turn against them in 1676. In an act of desperation, Wu San Gui declared himself to the be Emperor Zhao Wu with the state name of Great Zhou. He died in 1678 and was succeeded by his grandson Wu Shi Fan who continued the struggle until 1681 when Great Zhous army was defeated. Wu Shi Fan committed suicide and his head was sent to Beijing. Wu San Guis corpse was cut into pieces and sent to various parts of China. . (11) [311-314, 316]