南明隆武通宝一组19枚,包括小平17枚,多款「隆」字版别及不同铸币厂,另有折二2枚,折二中乾评真品,其餘F至EF,南明唐王朱聿键在弘光帝被擒死后,在福州自立為龙武帝,龙武通宝从 1645 年开始发行,直到1646年龙武帝死於清军之手,歷时仅2年。China: Southern Ming, Long Wu Tong Bao, group of 19 coins consisting of: 1 cash, different mintmarks and Long character varities (17),2 cash, weighing 6.6g anf 7.3g, the raw coins fine to extremely fine and the 2 cash both graded Zhong Qian Genuine. Zhu Yu Jian (1602-1646), Prince of Tang (modern day Nanyang, Henan Province), declared himself Emperor Long Wu in Fuzhou after the capture and death of Emperor Hong Guang. Long Wu Tong Bao coins were issued from 1645 until his death at the hand of Qing forces in 1646. . (19) [251-258]