南明大明通宝小平一组6枚,空背3枚,背户,背上帅,背右帅各一枚,4枚经中乾评级,分别评82,真品,72及80,其餘VG至F品相,大明通宝是南明鲁王朱以海被奉為监国时所铸,当时鲁王只是摄政王,未有建立年号。在军力受重挫后,他於 1651 年放弃了摄政权,并於1662年默默无闻地去世。China: Southern Ming, Da Ming Tong Bao, group of 6x 1 cash, plain reverse, 25.7x1.4mm, 4.3g and 2 others; rev: Hu, 24.8x1.0mm, 2.9g; rev: Shui at upper quadrant, 25.7x1.5mm, 5.2g and rev: Shui at at right quadrant, 24.9x1.4mm, 4.4g, Zhong Qian 82, Genuine, 72 and 80 respectively. The two raw coins very good to fine. Issued by Zhu Yi Hai (1618-1662), Prince of Lu (modern day Yanzhou, Shandong Province) who was proclaimed as Regent of the Ming Dynasty in 1645. Da Ming Tong Bao coins were issued in December that year and as the Prince of Lu was only a Regent he did not have an era name. He relinguished the Regency in 1651 after a serious of military set backs and died in relatively obscurity in 1662. . (6). [241-245]