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联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

首席收藏网 > 数据中心 > SPINK > SPINK2023年1月#A/B-中国币钞/布威纳集藏

Lot:1133 明朝起义军兴朝通宝一组12枚,包括:小平钱,背下工6枚;折五钱,背五釐4枚;折十钱大样,背一分2枚,49.6x1.7mm,重21.9克及49.7x2.0mm,重25.3克;小平钱和折五钱F至XF品相,

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HKD 1500 - 3000


2023-01-07 10:00:00

2023-01-07 19:00:00

HKD 1920



明朝起义军兴朝通宝一组12枚,包括:小平钱,背下工6枚;折五钱,背五釐4枚;折十钱大样,背一分2枚,49.6x1.7mm,重21.9克及49.7x2.0mm,重25.3克;小平钱和折五钱F至XF品相,折十钱大样中乾评真品。张献忠大西政权覆灭后(1646年),其义子孙可望入云南,於1648年改组政权為兴朝,铸兴朝通宝。兴朝政权四年(1651年),在形势变化所催,兼大西军餘部领导人包括李定国和刘文秀多数赞成联明抗清,兴朝政权改奉南明永历。归顺南明之后,李定国屡立战功,招至孙可望妒忌和猜忌,最终孙可望率军征讨李定国,原大西军同室操戈,令永历政权大伤元气,而孙可望亦被李定国所败。1658年孙可望降清,出卖西南军情虚实,使永历帝朱由榔失尽了地盘,被逼逃亡缅甸。公元1662年,吴三桂进兵缅甸将永历帝押回云南绞死,南明政权正式灭亡。。China: Ming Dynasty Rebels, Xing Chao Tong Bao, group of 12 coins consisting of: 1 cash: rev: Gong lower quadrant (6), 5 li (4), 1 fen, Da Yang, speciman strike (2), 49.6x1.7mm, 21.9g and 49.7x2.0mm, 25.3g, the first 10 coins fine to extremely fine, the two 1 fen coins both Zhong Qian Genuine. Xing Chao Tong Bao coins were issued by Sun Ke Wang (?-1660), an adopted son of Zhang Xian Zhong in Yunnan. Zhangs Da Xi army was split between his four adopted sons and Sun lead his men into Guizhou and Yunnan Provinces. He offered to join forces with the Yong Li Emperor to fight against the Qing Army but because of his affliliation with Zhang the Emperor remainded undecided. He eventually fell out with Li Ding Guo, also one of Zhangs adopted sons and the two went to war in 1657. Li came out superior in the conflict and Sun then defected to Qing and presented them with maps of the Guizhou and Yunnan terrains. The Qing army was greatly strengthened by this and the southwest was largely pacified by the time of Suns death in 1660. The Yong Li Emperor would be executed in 1662, extinguishing Southern Ming on the Mainland. . (12) [293-294, 2 out of 3 from 295]