USD 700 - 900
2021-09-30 09:00:00
2021-09-30 18:00:00
湖北省造光绪元宝当十铜币。 五排龙鳞,短撇"绪"。巧克力棕色币面丝滑,原厂红光在图文之间闪闪生辉。中央图文深峻,由于正面模具流铜导致外圈铭文有些许弱打,显示模具寿命将尽,钱币更具特色。
CHINA. Hupeh. 10 Cash, ND (1902-05). NGC MS-65 Brown. cf. CL-HP.23 (obverse) muled with HP.24 (reverse); KM-Y-120a.3; CCC-90. Variety with 5 rows of dragon scales and with short stroke on "hsu". This lovely Gem boasts silky smooth chocolate brown surfaces with hints of original mint red amongst the devices. The central devices are bold, though the outer legends do have areas of weakness due to the obverse die cuds indicating that it is near the end of its usefulness and adding a bit of character to this piece.