USD 10000 - 20000
2021-09-30 09:00:00
2021-09-30 18:00:00
湖北省造宣统元宝七钱二分银币。 龙珠有旋,满文无点。这款来自中国皇朝末年的发行散发出令人惊叹的光彩和车轮光泽,金色香槟色调和淡淡的橄榄色交错,适合该时期铸币鑑赏家的收藏。 (t)
CHINA. Hupeh. 7 Mace 2 Candareens (Dollar), ND (1909-11). PCGS MS-64+. L&M-187; K-45; KM-Y-131; WS-0881. Variety with raised swirl with no dot. Rather captivating and enchanting, this issue emanating from the final years of imperial China offers stunning brilliance and cartwheel luster, along with a golden-champagne tone with hints of olive sprinkled throughout. Truly a piece fit for the collection of a connoisseur of the periods coinage.