USD 20000 - 40000
2021-09-30 09:00:00
2021-09-30 18:00:00
民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币。"甘肃"加字版。 任何品相均非常受欢迎且<strong>极为稀缺</strong>的版别。在袁世凯半身像两侧都有"甘肃"的字符。均匀磨损,主要显现于高点,浅灰色调,带有虹彩光泽,在光线下倾斜时自然透现。仔细检阅会发现过去清洗的痕迹,现已重新柔和包浆。即便有瑕,仍优于常见款,独创性十足,令人赏心悦目。 (t)
CHINA. Kansu. Dollar, Year 3 (1914). NGC AU Details--Cleaned. L&M-617; K-759; KM-Y-407; WS-0706. A hugely popular and <strong>VERY</strong> <strong>SCARCE</strong> type in any condition, with the characters for "Kan Su" flanking the bust of Yuan Shih-kai. Well struck with even wear primarily contained to the high points displaying light gray toning with an iridescent sheen that pops out when tilted in the light. Close inspection reveals evidence of a past cleaning, long since toned over and attractive. Despite its shortcomings this example is vastly superior than normally encountered offering much originality and is pleasing to the eye.