民国十七年(1928年)福建省地方善后公债伍拾圆,由福建省政府委员会主席杨树庄及财政厅厅长陈培琨共同签发,附带完整息票,VF品相,有水渍及右上角有缺,中间有裂,少见。杨树庄主政福建多年,是福州、厦门、泉州等地近代城建最早主要奠基人,他当时亦是国民政府委员兼海军总司令,随后更升任海军部部长。 China, Fukien Province, 6% Rehabilitation Loan, Year 17 (1928), bond for 50 yuan, serial number 13482, jointly issued and signed by then Fukien Province Government Committee Chairman Yang Shu Zhuang and Fukien Province Chief Finance Officer Chen Pei Kun. Yang was a prominent figure in elite social circles of China Republic, and was the commander of the Republics naval force. His name is tied to the foundation of many infrastructural projects around Fukien, Amoy and Chinchew.all coupons intact, Choice Very Fine, water stained, top right corner missing, horizontal split