民国三年(1914年)广东东莞石龙镇遂成号退约书(退股合同),事为“潘仁可前于光绪七年与陆宏荫、陆页元三股合伴在东莞石龙镇故衣街开张遂成号故衣生理,每股本银100两,三股共银300两,历年溢利除三股均派外尚有盈馀… 今情愿将名下股份全让与陆氏两位股东,应收回银1610两”等,内容工整、清晰。此种民初传统退股合同存世不多,东莞石龙镇更是珍罕。背面已裱,建议预览 China, Republic, Termination of Stockholders Agreement, Year 3 (1914), Shilong (Sheklung) town of Dongguan (Tungkun) city, issued by Mr Pan Ren Ke (Poon Yan Ho) to formally exit the partnership of the business with Mr Lu Ye Yuan (Luk Yip Yuen) and Mr Lu Hong Yin (Luk Wang Yum) which began in the 7th year of Guangxu (1881). Contents of the page indicate the business has been profitable and both parties are in amicable terms.A rare survivor for such traditional terminational agreement, let alone the note worthy location and the respectable condition. Mounted on paper