光绪贰拾壹年(1895)香港济安洋面保险有限公司股票,拾股共计贰佰员,票上打有香港政府10仙士(壹毫)印花税。票上司理人陈晓云乃香港十九世纪末期至二十世纪初期商界名人,又是万益置业公司、广运轮船公司、咸北轮船公司司理人,曾经担任东华医院总理,也为第一位华人香港史专家,亦是与兴中会关係密切的辅仁文社社员。至于总理人容翼廷则于渣打银行当中担任买办。1895年满清政府于甲午战争败于日本,加速了中国走向现代化的步伐,在贸易频繁的背景下,保险业渐催成熟,而设于文咸西街42号的济安洋面保险有限公司登报公开招股,是早期属于真正本土的华资保险公司。此枚股票为中国最早期之保险嶪老股票,尤其珍罕。背面有三次派息记录,分红总额已经超过本金,收益丰厚的情况可见一斑。该股票品相吸引,保存完好,有摺痕,印花税位置有裂,仅少量发黄 Hong Kong Chai On Marine Insurance Company Limited, certificate for 2 shares, $200 in total, 21st year of Emperor Guangxu (1895), embossed notary stamp of 10 cents stamp duty and the company seal, interest received in year 1901, 1902, 1903, signature by famous local businessman and historian Chan Hiu Wun under the title of Managing Director of the company, who was also a member of the Furen Literary Society which later merged with the Revive China Society. Among the directors is the signature of Yong Yik Ting, a well known comprador at Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. In the wake of Chinas defeat in the First Sino-Japanese War, the pace of industrialisation picked up rapidly, trade boomed as there was a major push to develop Chinese businesses, including insurance. Hong Kong Chai On Insurance Company Limited launched their public offering in 1895 at 42 Bonham Strand as one of the first true domestic Chinese insurers. Reverse shows a record of 3 dividend payouts, with the total exceeding the original value of the shares, indicating the healthy profit of the company. with envelope. Extremely Fine, some folds as to be expected from such large sized documents and minor stains. A very well kept example for type. A very rare Qing Dynasty insurance share certificate