1925年中英商业银公司股票证书,共七万九千九百股,由北京福公司买入,其后转让予子公司英国洲际投资及金融有限公司。中英商业银公司其实亦是北京福公司的子公司,于1923年于英国注册,为河南及山西地区的採矿权而筹集资金,并主要于焦作附近一带进行煤矿开採,但二战时期遭日军佔领。此股票证书佔是次集资的百分之九十八以上,对当时公司的营运有举足轻重的作用。VF品相,并首次于拍卖会中亮相 China, Anglo-Chinese Finance & Trade Corporation Limited, certificate for [79,900] shares of £1, 19[25], serial number 18, issued to the Pekin Syndicate Limited, black. Registered in England in 1923 as a subsidiary of the Pekin Syndicate Limited to finance the acquisition of mining concessions in Honan and Shansi. This certificate represents almost all of the issued capital of only £80,807. The company was primarily involved with the Tsiaotso coal mines in Northern Honan which were taken over by the occupying Japanese forces in 1939.very fine, first time seen at auction