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联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

联合创办 CICE/HKCS 系列钱币展销会

首席收藏网 > 数据中心 > Stack's Bowers and Ponterio > SBP2022年5月香港#C-瑰宝之夜

Lot:51089 新疆省造一钱银币 NGC MS 63 CHINA. Sinkiang. Mace (Miscal), AH 1352 (1933/4). Kashgar Mint.

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USD 50000 - 100000


2022-05-04 13:00:00

2022-05-04 19:00:00


USD 276000



新疆省造一钱银币。喀什造币厂。 八角星。 珍罕度★★★★。八角星。稀罕钱币往往是藏家的不懈追求,当中更有一些鲜少面世的版别每每登场随即令藏家垂涎,连资深藏家亦会引颈期盼。此枚绝对是钱币收藏中令人趋之若鶩的一枚。此品种有八角星及九角星版,具体存世量不得而知。此拍品為 NGC 评鉴中仅有的一枚,另有一枚九角星版获评细节评分。</p> 未经流通品相,铸打精确,纤毫毕现。在此时期的新疆铸币中,如此高超工艺可说是凤毛麟角。受铸币工艺及其低存世量率所限,此版极為稀少,或是铸造完成当下即被收藏起来。细节均匀亮丽,铭文及新月图案典雅迷人。币面光泽跃动,毫无接触痕跡,璀璨夺目。在省造发行中绝对是屈指可数、备受欢迎的一枚,更曾亮相 NGC 中国官方广告宣传图。在拍场登场时,定必会引来藏家的激烈竞投。 </p> </p> </p> </p> <font size= -8 > (t) <em>

On September 1, 2019, the United States enacted new tariffs on collectors items of Chinese origin, including bullion and numismatic coins and banknotes. This lot was manufactured in China and was sourced from outside the United States for this auction after the tariffs were enacted. Accordingly, any client who wishes to take delivery of this item within the United States will be subject to a 7.5% import tariff plus a processing fee of 0.3464% (minimum $27.75 / maximum $538.40). Please note, this is not, and is not intended to be, a complete description of the applicable import tariffs and buyer remains fully liable for and agrees to promptly pay all tariffs and fees relating to the import of these items into the United States and neither the auctioneer nor any consignor will have any responsibility to pay any applicable tariffs or fees. Please consult your tax adviser with any questions.</em> <em>Furthermore, any lots subject to an import tariff will be shipped directly from our Hong Kong offices and shipments to the United States will be subject to our international shipping chart.</em> (t)

CHINA. Sinkiang. Mace (Miscal), AH 1352 (1933/4). Kashgar Mint. NGC MS-63. L&M-775A; K-Unlisted; KM-Y-E39; WS-Unlisted; Wenchao-1014 (rarity: ★★★★); Xinjiang-572. Variety with 8-pointed star. There are RARITIES , and then there are coins that are so infrequently encountered as to excite even the most seasoned of numismatists. The example offered in this lot certainly belongs in the later camp. It is unclear how many of these specimens exist, though it is clear that there exists an 8 and 9 pointed star variety. This example is the only certified example by NGC, though they have certified a 9-pointed star in a details holder. Never circulated, this example displays a precision of strike and quality control that is seldom encountered for this period in Sinkiang coinage. The quality of production and low survival rate implicates limited quantities, and perhaps one that was saved from the moment at which it came from the press. Beautiful details are resolutely applied, and this elegant nature can be seen in the Turki script and crescent moon. Beautiful luster flashes and dances, and is wholly unbroken by any contact. Among the most desirable and least encountered examples of the provincial coinage types, and one that is certain to evoke much desirousness and contention when offered.