新疆喀什大清银币湘平一两。喀什造币厂。 大“清”,两行 AH 日期。浅色包浆,经手均匀,品相完好。铸打出色,细节远较一般同版丰富。 </p>
CHINA. Sinkiang. Sar (Tael), AH 1325 (1906/7). Kashgar Mint. Kuang-hsu (Guangxu). NGC VF-25. L&M-744; K-1120; KM-Y-26; WS-1225. Variety with large qing and AH date in two rows. Lightly toned and evenly handled, this specimen remains a wholesome and original overall example. Due to the superb strike, an example that displays far more detail than is typically encountered on this type.