1919年日本第一次世界大战结束纪念章。两枚。 J. Jida所铸。<p>1) 银章。直径:54 毫米;重量:93.61 克。<p><p>2)铜章。直径:54 毫米;重量:74.99 克。<p><p>币面精良,轻微的哑光,没有经手痕迹。两者均带原盒。 JAPAN. Duo of "End of World War I" Medals (2 Pieces), Year 8 (1919). CHOICE UNCIRCULATED. By J. Jida.<p>1) Silver Medal. Diameter: 54mm; Weight: 93.61 gms.<p>2) Bronze Medal. Diameter: 54mm; Weight: 74.99 gms.<p>This pairing offers great surfaces with a slight matte nature and no evidence of handling. Both include boxes of issue.