日本明治四十三年学园院大学银章。 重30.81克。正面花环围绕铭文,反面有长方形框边,书法秀丽。出自享誉盛名的东京学习院大学。该大学于明治时期创办,教育皇室及贵族子弟。磨损严重,边缘有凹痕。 JAPAN. Gakushuin University Silver Medal, Year 43 (1910). VERY GOOD. Weight: 30.81 gms. Obverse: Wreath enclosing script; Reverse: rectangular block with fine writing. Medal from the distinguished Gakushuin University of Tokyo, established during the Meiji Period to educate children of the noble families. Medal is heavily worn and has a few rim nicks.