USD 3000 - 5000
2018-04-02 09:30:00
2018-04-02 18:00:00
袁世凯像共和纪念十文铜币。样币。小面像。A. M. Tracey Woodward在<em>The Minted Ten-Cash Coins of China</em> 中(原书中文印製译名《中国铸造十文银币》有刊误,应为《中国铸造十文铜币》)援引钱币专家Guiseppi Ros的说法称:"武昌造币厂製作的袁像共和纪念样币有两个版本,自黎元洪离开武昌赴北京就职后便停造了。编号972(大面像)为王少贤所刻,而971(小面像)则为朱子芳所刻。最终,造币厂製出部分小面像样币分发予各官员,而大面像版式则未获发行,我听说是因为袁世凯所佩勋章比例不合而致。"深打,底板平滑亮泽,闪耀悦目棕色光芒,亦透出少许红色。
PCGS MS-62 BN Secure Holder
.From the Q. David Bowers Collection.Ex: R. B. White.
CHINA. Pattern 10 Cash, ND (1912-18). PCGS MS-62 BN Secure Holder.CL-MG.62; CCC-688; W-971 (A-1); KM-Pn5; Duan-3098. A pattern ten cash with the portrait of would-be emperor Yuan Shih-Kai. Woodward (p. 123) quotes early numismatist Guiseppi Ros as follows: "The two coins are samples from the Wuchang mint, where an issue of them was being prepared, but was suspended after the departure of then vice president Li for Peking. The die for no. 972 was engraved by Wang Shao-Hsien and that for no. 971 by Chu Tsü-fang. Of the latter a few specimens were stamped and presented to officials, but the former was not approved, owing, I was told, to the disproportion in the size of the decoration worn by Yüan Shih-Kai." Well struck with smooth glossy surfaces displaying a pleasing mahogany patina with a few hints of red.