USD 200 - 400
2024-10-15 11:00:00
2024-10-15 15:00:00
新疆银圆二钱银币。喀什造币厂。斜回文。(t) CHINA. Sinkiang. 2 Mace (Miscals), AH 1329 (1911). Kashgar (Shufu) Mint. Hsuan-tung (Xuantong [Puyi]). PCGS Genuine--Repaired, VF Details.饷银。龙面有回文。<strong>罕见</strong>版别,经修补,经手痕迹多,但仍具魅力。L&M-766; K-1151; KM-Y-29.1; WS-Unlisted; SGSC-145 (this coin illustrated). Ration coinage. Type with Turki legend on dragon side. A <strong>RARE</strong> type, this minor remains highly desirable no matter the noted repair and extensive handling.From the SGSC Collection.