新疆喀什宣统元宝伍钱银币。喀什噶尔造币厂。(t) CHINA. Sinkiang. 5 Mace (Miscals), AH 1329 (1911). Kashgar (Shufu) Mint. Hsuan-tung (Xuantong [Puyi]). PCGS VF-35.两字版,大写"伍"。琥珀灰色包浆,龙图活灵活现,龙身以圆环与密集的星形组成。L&M-760; K-1147; KM-Y-A28.3; WS-1242; SGSC-134-5 (this coin illustrated). Type with two characters and complex "wu". Amber-gray in hue, this example offers a great rendition of the dragon, which is essentially composed of annulets and stars in its body--<em>the stars being spaced enough apart to convey this aspect</em>.From the SGSC Collection.