USD 400 - 600
2024-10-15 11:00:00
2024-10-15 15:00:00
新疆银圆二钱银币。喀什造币厂。正回文。(t) CHINA. Sinkiang. 2 Mace (Miscals), AH 1329 (1911). Kashgar (Shufu) Mint. Hsuan-tung (Xuantong [Puyi]). PCGS VF-35.饷银。字面有回文。铸打端正,品相俊俏,有深色包浆点缀。L&M-767 (this coin illustrated [6th/7th ed.]); K-1149; KM-Y-29; cf. WS-1251-52 (no distinction of types); SGSC-143 (this coin illustrated). Ration coinage. Type with Turki legend on characters side. Well centered and handsomely preserved, this example provides some darker hues to further accentuate its appearance.From the SGSC Collection.