USD 6000 - 12000
2023-04-17 11:00:00
2023-04-17 19:00:00
民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币。多见保存状态较差,此枚与众不同,状态首屈一指。满打,银光跃动,环形金色包浆点缀。不见留痕,与评分相符,光泽连续。我司对此枚期许甚高,将成拍场上众人焦点。(t) CHINA. Dollar, Year 3 (1914). PCGS MS-66.L&M-63; K-646; KM-Y-329; WS-0174-1. While one may be used to seeing this type in lesser states of preservation, this example displays a beauty and commendability of preservation that is seldom encountered as is seen on this premium-Gem. Fully struck and dancing with luster, this exceptional specimen yields an intense and vivid luster along with a ring of peripheral golden toning. As one would expect for the grade, almost no evidence of marking is seen, leaving the luster wholesome and unbroken. A specimen deserved of much attention, and one for which we have high expectations for.