USD 15000 - 30000
2023-04-17 11:00:00
2023-04-17 19:00:00
孙中山像开国纪念壹圆银币。南京造币厂。下五星。 包浆亮丽,令人印象深刻的一枚,铸压深邃,柔光出众。绮丽无比的包浆覆盖币面,通体透现浓郁的金橘色,间有蓝、红、绿色衬托,层叠渐进。经手不多,锺情此版的藏家入手好品的良机。CHINA. Dollar, ND (1912). Nanking Mint. PCGS MS-64.L&M-42; K-603; KM-Y-319; WS-0085. Low five-pointed stars variety. A most beautifully toned and impressive example, this tremendous specimen delivers a strong strike and a soft luster that is wholly attractive. Atop the luster lays a blanket of some of the strongest and most beautiful tone one could hope to encounter on a coin. Rich golden-orange is present across most of the surface, with interludes of blues, reds, and greens occasionally throughout. Limited instances of handling are seen on the surfaces, leaving this as a stunning and wholesome example for any specialist in the series.