USD 8000 - 12000
2023-04-17 11:00:00
2023-04-17 19:00:00
宣统三年大清银币贰角。天津造币厂。深受追捧的版别,窑藏包浆呈梅紫及金色,稍微掩盖底光。细节精确地打于币坯,底板近无撞击痕迹,仅有一丝摩擦痕。流通痕迹极少,略扫过龙图。赏心悦目,藏家梦寐以求的一版。(t) CHINA. 20 Cents, Year 3 (1911). Tientsin Mint. Hsuan-tung (Xuantong [Puyi]). PCGS AU-55.L&M-40; K-229; KM-Y-29; WS-0048. The always popular and sought type, this example offers an engaging cabinet tone of plum and gold that mutes the underlying luster. The details are precisely laid upon flan, with fields that are largely free of hits, and only bear a touch of friction. Circulation is quite limited, with only a brushing seen on the dragon. A piece that should generate intense appeal, amongst all of those collectors seeking a strong example of the type.From the C.H. Fung Collection.