190-年印度新金山中国汇理银行100元库存票,无编号,由当时香港分行总经理Cochrane亲笔签名,有打孔注销。目前为止,该版别已知的签名只有Cochrane及Dickson。同一版别的纸币在2019年斯宾克拍卖会中以500,000港元成交,而此票是记录中仅有的第二枚。另外,票上亦有打孔标示‘W.W. Sprague’,应该为印刷厂作内部用标记。香港历史博物馆的档案库中有一枚该版别带有‘Dickson’签名的发行票,迄今为止未有‘Cochrane’签名的发行票记录。PMG 50,带纸边,被注销,泛黄.
Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Hong Kong, remainder $100, partial date 190-, no serial numbers, black, pink and purple, manager signature Cochrane at right, perforated cancelled,(Pick 39r), Currently two manager signature types for the $100 are known; Cochrane and Dickson. Much like the $50, previously a 1910 example is noted and the first "190-" example was sold in Spink China in 2019 for HKD500,000 hammer. Therefore this is the second known example. Also this example with W.W. Sprague perforation is likely for internal use at the printer. An issued example bearing "Dickson" signature is in the Hong Kong Museum of History archive, and at the moment there are no issued "Cochrane" example known. PMG 50 About Uncirculated, selvage included, cancelled, toning.