中國不同省份清末民初錢幣一組。八枚。包括来自福建、吉林、广东和蒙古的发行。包浆不一,有几枚非常诱人。有些已被清洗,环境损坏和/或可能有其他瑕疵。蒙古图格里克因清洗而得 PCGS EF 细节评分。建议仔细检阅,定有惊喜。现况出售,概不退换。估价超500美元。CHINA. Mixed Silver Provincial Minors (8 Pieces), ND (ca. 1890-1932). Grades FINE to EXTREMELY FINE Details.This interesting gathering consists issues from Fukien, Kirin, Kwangtung and Mongolia. All are toned to one degree or another, several are attractive. Several have been cleaned, environmental damage and/or may have other defects. The Mongolia Tugrik is in a PCGS EF Details holder for being cleaned. Close personal inspection is advised and will reward the diligent bidder. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURNS. Approximate retail value in excess of $500.