中國不同省份錢幣一組。二十枚。重量:108.44 克。由许多不同的省级银毫组成,包括来自福建、湖北、江南、吉林、广东、满洲、新疆和云南的民国发行。包浆不一,图文间带灰危,数枚颇為诱人。不同程度的经手痕跡,中等至严重的磨损。有些已被清洗、划伤、环境损坏和/或可能有其他瑕疵。建议仔细检阅,定有惊喜。现况出售,概不退换。估价超过 1500 美元。CHINA. Mixed Provincial Minor Silver Issues (20 Pieces), ND (ca. 1896-1932). Grades VERY GOOD to EXTREMELY FINE.Weight: 108.44 gms. This vast and varied gathering primarily consists of many different Provincial silver minor issues, but does include several Republican era pieces, from Fukien, Hupeh, Kiangnan, Kirin, Kwangtung, Manchuria, Sinkiang and Yunnan. All display varying degrees of tone from minor hints amongst the devices to rich pervasive gray, several are attractive. All exhibit varied amounts of handling from very worn to moderate circulation. Some have been cleaned, scratched, environmental damage and/or may have other defects. Close personal inspection is advised and will reward the diligent bidder. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURNS. Retail value in excess $1500-.