辛亥福建都督府造中華元寶"閩"字一錢四分四釐銀幣。珍罕的小面值,保存状态难得优秀。光泽柔美,银光满佈。铸打饱满,表面仅有轻微留痕。少见的省造币,品相绝佳。CHINA. Fukien. 1 Mace 4.4 Candareens (20 Cents), CD (1911). Fukien Mint. PCGS MS-63.L&M-299; K-700; KM-Y-377; WS-1041. A SCARCE minor, especially when preserved this nicely, the present example demonstrates a soft luster and a wholesome argent brilliance. The strike is relatively full, with only a touch of marking on the surfaces, leaving this as a premium example of this less commonly seen provincial issue.