福建官局造光緒元寶一錢四分四釐銀幣。字面有点。锐利诱人的一枚,铸打深邃,悦人眼目,些许轻浅的灰色及琥珀色包浆。(t) CHINA. Fukien. 1 Mace 4.4 Candareens (20 Cents), ND (1902-08). Fukien Mint. Kuang-hsu (Guangxu). PCGS MS-63.L&M-296; K-125C; KM-Y-104; WS-1036. Variety with dots on characters side. A sharp and exceptionally enticing minor, this boldly struck specimen certainly provides ample eye appeal and a great look, sporting some light gray toning and hints of amber sprinkled throughout.