USD 750000 - 1500000
2022-05-04 13:00:00
2022-05-04 19:00:00
宣统三年大清银币长鬚龙一圆样币。天津造币厂。 珍罕度:★★★。反面设计未获接纳的版别。此枚珍品被誉為中国的样币、甚至是中国机製币的悠久发行中,最永垂不朽、且為人津津乐道的钱币之一。清末晚年的发行,此枚庄严的设计将中国风的艺术性和崇高威严相融於银元之中。当时,政府希望铸製一枚举国通用国家货币而起始计划,最终於样币阶段胎死腹中,设计亦从未获得正式发行。随著清朝衰落,中华民国在乱世中逐起,此枚晚清发行仍是中国机製币发行中凤毛麟角的一枚。 此发行有眾多不同的模具版别,此枚以其满文的风格及叶脉而著称。虽然此发行的所有版别均极尽稀罕,但此枚的反面设计於当时未获接纳,更显其弥足珍贵。此变体PCGS仅曾评鑑过少於25枚,此枚评分第二,另有一枚更高分PCGS SP 64。</p> 币面精美雕刻打铸,L Giorgi的设计立体饱满,层叠有致。柔美的梅色及赤褐色包浆间透现亮丽的水彩色泽。模具抛光痕与轻巧的磨擦相互融和,币面无明显的接触痕跡。坯饼散发出柔和的光彩,引人注目的图文间略带光泽。</p> 观其同版以往的成交纪录,此枚的估价相信有强劲的支持,高价成交指日可待。入手如此版式稀少珍品的机会难能可贵,特别是品相首屈一指如此,更是令人垂涎。对於追求至高无尚珍藏的藏家,绝对会為此枚而倾倒,拍场上亮相之际定必引来热烈竞投。本次拍卖中最引人注目的一枚,其价值可说是超越钱币学本身,展现出无与伦比的文化导入和迷人美态,為观者带来震撼的的视觉观感。</p> <font size= -8 > (t) <em> On September 1, 2019, the United States enacted new tariffs on collectors items of Chinese origin, including bullion and numismatic coins and banknotes. This lot was manufactured in China and was sourced from outside the United States for this auction after the tariffs were enacted. Accordingly, any client who wishes to take delivery of this item within the United States will be subject to a 7.5% import tariff plus a processing fee of 0.3464% (minimum $27.75 / maximum $538.40). Please note, this is not, and is not intended to be, a complete description of the applicable import tariffs and buyer remains fully liable for and agrees to promptly pay all tariffs and fees relating to the import of these items into the United States and neither the auctioneer nor any consignor will have any responsibility to pay any applicable tariffs or fees. Please consult your tax adviser with any questions.</em> <em>Furthermore, any lots subject to an import tariff will be shipped directly from our Hong Kong offices and shipments to the United States will be subject to our international shipping chart.</em>
(t) CHINA. Silver Long Whisker Dragon Dollar Pattern, Year 3 (1911). Tientsin Mint. Hsuan-tung (Xuantong [Puyi]). PCGS SPECIMEN-63+. L&M-28; K-223; KM-Pn304; WS-0040; Chang-CH27; Wenchao-105 (rarity: ★★★). Unadopted reverse variety. This type is among the most famous and certainly the most demanded of patterns, and of Chinese machine struck pieces generally. Dating from the final year of the Qing Dynasty, this example distills down into a Dollar-sized flan all of the artistry and sublime majesty that one associates with China. Produced to fulfill the economic ambitions of a single, unified national currency within the flagging Empire, this design was left unfulfilled in the pattern stage, with the design never being adopted for general circulation. With the end of the Empire, and the fledgling Republic of China assuming the role of successor state, this late imperial emission remains near the zenith of Chinese issues for desirability and RARITY. Many die varieties are known for this series, with the present specimen being distinguished on account of stylistic differences in the Manchu script and the leaves. Though all examples of this pattern are immensely desirable, this piece should separate itself from even these RARITIES on account of the unadopted nature of the reverse design. With less than 25 examples of this variant having been certified by PCGS, the present specimen is the second-finest certified example behind one PCGS SPECIMEN-64. The specially prepared and struck surfaces are executed at an extremely high level, with the design engraved by Luigi Giorgi being unimpeachably impressed. Hues of bright watercolor toning faintly dance in a sophisticated display of plum to russet toning. Very faint wisps of subtle friction blend with the extensive die working, and essentially no instances of contact are present upon the surfaces. Subdued brilliance emanates from the planchet, with a slightly glossy sheen to the specially struck facade. Corollaries for this type suggest that our expectations reflected in the estimate are well supported, and that a lofty hammer price is quite assured. Chances to acquire examples of this type are few and far between, with choice-and-beyond pieces like this being particularly desirous. Bidders looking for coins of the highest ordinal rank will be pleased by this lot, and fierce competition will reign when this example reaches auction. An immense highlight of our entire sale, such a pattern is a piece that transcends numismatics and thrusts itself into the sensory experience of the viewer as an object of unmatched cultural import and ravishing beauty.