USD 15000 - 20000
2022-05-04 13:00:00
2022-05-04 19:00:00
造币总厂光绪元宝七钱二分银币。天津造币厂。 轻微流通,银光满溢,品相完好。极微经手痕跡,多见於底板,原光强烈。此版通常诸多瑕疵,此等无瑕品相难觅,定受藏家追捧,并為之千金一掷。
CHINA. 7 Mace 2 Candareens (Dollar), ND (1908). Tientsin (Central) Mint. Kuang-hsu (Guangxu). PCGS AU-55. L&M-11; K-216; KM-Y-14; WS-0029. This charming and delicately circulated example is fully argent and fully handsome to match. Very light evidence of handling is present, mostly in the fields, with some strong mint luster remaining. This type is oft-encountered with problems, and therefore represents a commendable alternative with it being free from issues. Exceedingly desirable, and certain to receive many strong bids.