缅甸钱币一组。两枚。 重 9.73 及 9.55 克。正面佛像外法轮有 12 个鑽石形轮辐,反面卍字符号,内有小月牙。陀罗钵地王国佔领泰国昭拍耶盆地东部,西至缅甸,南达孟加拉湾西。是孟族在现泰国位置建立的首个王国,并将印度文化传入该区。 BURMA. Mon Kingdom of Dvaravati. Duo of Silver Units (88 Rattis) (2 Pieces), ND (300-550 AD). Average Grade: FINE. Mitchiner-5208; Mahlo-24c.1.1. Weights: 9.73, 9.55 gms. Obverse: Buddhist 12-spoked wheel of Dharmachakra; Reverse: Srivatsa symbol with small crescent inside. <p><em>The Kingdom of Dvaravati occupied the Chaopya Basin of Thailand on the eastern side, west across southern Burma to the Bay of Bengal on the western side. It was the first Mon Kingdom established in the area of modern Thailand, and brought Indian culture to the region.</em>