1852年缅甸孔雀1缅元。 细节锋利,明亮非常。有几处深色包浆。表面中度丝痕。 BURMA. Kyat, CS 1214 (1852). Mindon. NGC AU Details--Surface Hairlines. KM-10. A sharply detailed and bright Kyat, with a few darker toning patches. The surfaces are moderately hairlined.
1852年缅甸孔雀1缅元。 细节锋利,明亮非常。有几处深色包浆。表面中度丝痕。 BURMA. Kyat, CS 1214 (1852). Mindon. NGC AU Details--Surface Hairlines. KM-10. A sharply detailed and bright Kyat, with a few darker toning patches. The surfaces are moderately hairlined.