安南嘉隆年造精银壹两银条。 重38.27克。四面均有戳记。"嘉隆年造"。"精银壹两"。"中平号"。"値钱贰贯捌佰"。前后戳记均深峻,两侧稍弱,但无碍閲读。中等灰色包浆。 ANNAM. Lang Bullion Bar, ND. Gia Long. Grade: VERY FINE. KM-180.2; Sch-120. Weight: 38.27 gms. The bar is stamped on four sides: "Gia Long Nien Tao" (Made in the Gia Long era). "Tinh Ngau Nhat Lang" (One Lang of silver). "Trung Binh Hieu" (Made on the Trung Binh scale). "Tri Tien Nhi Quan Bat Mach". The front and back stamps are boldly applied, while the two side stamps are weaker but still legible. The bar is toned a medium gray.