263-218年西西里岛。雪城。希伦二世。 正面:波塞冬的头朝左,戴著小杜鹃兰;反面:带饰的三叉戟头;海豚于左及右朝下。铸打端正居中,细节完好诱人,整体品相俱佳。 SICILY. Syracuse. Hieron II, 275-215 B.C. AE Litra, 263-218 B.C. NGC Ch VF. HGC-2, 1550. Obverse: Head of Poseidon left, wearing tainia; Reverse: Ornamented trident head; downward dolphin to left and right, uncertain control(s) to lower left and/or right. A rather well centered strike with charming detail remaining lead the way on this overall handsome example. From the Poseidon Collection.