USD 200 - 400
2021-10-04 09:00:00
2021-10-04 16:00:00
乙巳江南省造光绪元宝一钱四分四釐银币。 反面 1:30 方向铭文"SY"字首。环境损伤似是指字体间不曾尝试移除的沉积。龙鳞均深峻。
CHINA. Kiangnan. 1 Mace 4.4 Candareens (20 Cents), CD (1905). PCGS Genuine--Environmental Damage, EF Details. L&M-263; K-107; KM-Y-143a.13; WS-0864. Initials "SY" at 1:30 on the reverse legend. The "Environmental damage" designation appears to refer to the gunk built up between the letters which we have not tried to remove. All of the dragons scales are bold.