安南嗣德年造价钱叁贯银条。 正面"嗣德年造",反面"价钱叁贯"。品相远超同版币,状态迷人,非常罕见。包浆极美,经手痕迹微弱,底板有玫瑰金色包浆。 ANNAM. 3 Quan, ND (1848-83). Tu Duc. PCGS AU-58. KM-511; Sch-344. Weight: 15.89 gms. Obverse: "Tu Duc Nien Tao" (Made in the Tu Duc era); Reverse: "Gia Tien Tam Quan" (Monetary value -- three Quan). Incredible quality for the type, this piece presents an attractive nature that is <strong>VERY RARELY</strong> seen. Pleasantly toned and only lightly handled, with a rose gold tone in the recessed areas.